The performance ‘Waiting for Marina’ is part of the MP_art series of the ‘Serbian contemporary’ performance . The performance is based on patience, a virtue Marina Abramović preaches in her ‘The Abramovic Method’ lectures. While waiting for something or someone, we are patient. Or we try to be. While waiting for Marina, we are also patient. Patience is connected to faith but also hope, anticipating that patience will bear fruit; otherwise, waiting would be in vain. Focusing on Marina and our patient waiting does not necessarily mean that Marina will appear before us, as we imagine her to be—resilient, emotional, intellectual, glamorous, or in whatever way we envision her. Fans of Marina’s art have been patiently waiting for years to see her in our environment. So far, in vain. Will the energy of this mental performance reach Marina as an energetic sign? Will we have the opportunity for Marina to finally appear before us? With this performance, we send a message to Marina that we are waiting. We are accustomed to waiting, from standing in lines to waiting for a brighter future. We will patiently continue to wait for Marina! Marina teaches us patience!
This work is also a reflection of Marina Abramović’s performance ‘The Artist Is Present.

WAITING FOR MARINA / CONFLICT PROVOCATION RELATIONS CHALLENGES ANXIETY ENERGY DECISION (1995 – 2014), Museum of Contemporary art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia, 21 April 2015, duration: 25′